Sometimes simple is everything!

True to the title, something simple is all you need. Don't get me wrong I love my makeup. When I'm home in the city, I can't hel...

True to the title, something simple is all you need. Don't get me wrong I love my makeup. When I'm home in the city, I can't help but put on my full face.

But sometimes I either don't have the time or just too damn lazy to do the whole application. Sometimes I don't want my face to be full on either.

Sometimes, simple is all I need.

Though don't get me wrong. No one needs makeup to be beautiful! Makeup is just a mask you play with and enjoy.

When I do want to keep it pretty simple, I go for mascara and a lipstick. 

Lately my favorite mascara has been push up by Maybelline and soft spoken by Nyx 

Both are very affordable and great for what you need. I do out S little setting power on my face or spray, both by Nyx. 

I have yet to find a good bb or cc cream

Any recommendations?

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