Lush Mask Review

I recently got my hands on some Lush products that I have spent some time  using and therefore wanted to give a review.  Fi...

I recently got my hands on some Lush products that I have spent some time using and therefore wanted to give a review. 

First I will go over Mask of Magnaminty. This is my second time getting this face and body scrub. I love it. There are various sizes that a person can pick from depending on how much you want or need. You don't need much on your face or body. I use this to clear up my makeup from my face and really get a good clean. That and I can put it on my face before I get in the shower and then once in in wash it off. I don't scrub hard since it is already pretty textures and I don't want to put more pressure on my face.

What I really like about this product is that it doesn't make my face break out. My face is weird that if I leave it alone, no problems. But the minute I use something new on my face, I break out. I don't have this problem with Lush. Maybe because their products are more natural and hand made. Small things like that make a huge difference when you are putting things on your face.

Next is Cupcake. This is like a chocolate candy on your face! It is brown like a thick chocolate pudding and has little specs of almonds in it too I believe. It is for oily skin, which I don't have. But I feel like it is great for my skin, which is not oily. Plus the smell stays on my skin which I adore. Do this mask and then cuddle up to a love one ;). 

If I don't want to do the whole mask then I will go straight to my cupcake mask and  call it a day. This also cleans my face really well but I feel like this is not my  first step to take off makeup. This is more of my after I took off my makeup kind of routine mask. Same with the mask a over. These are great for after care and shower use. Just remember to keep the cupcake mask in your fridge! 

What things do you guys use in Lush? I need some new things to add to my purchase list! 

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