Part Two: Tinder Story

Is this not selling your body? Alright so we are back for part two of this little story <3 We were a match and a couple hours late...

Is this not selling your body?

Alright so we are back for part two of this little story <3

We were a match and a couple hours later he messaged me a cute little message. I did in fact message the guy back. Was I interested at this point? I was neutral.

This happened during finals week people. FINALS WEEK!
The only thing I cared about that week was passing all of these damn finals once and for all. which totally did not happen, but I'm getting my shit together people.


He wanted to meet up at the bar that Wednesday, which is wing night at the local bar. But I had a final that Thursday, so I did not go. I went to sleep at around 1 am there was missed calls and text messages on my phone. Super weird.

Two of my friends were trying to contact me for some random ass reason. I messaged them back and got a pretty quick message. One of my friends texted me back, saying there was someone at the bar looking for me.

Like, what? The kid I was talking to last week at wing night? Nope. this was the guy from Tinder, one of the twins.

Didn't I tell him that I wasn't going to be at the bar that night? And still he looked for me? Did he think I lied? That would be a pretty hard thing to get away with in that college.

But the best part is apparently they talked me up to this guy. These girls were not ideal wing women to have! Plus if I am going to be described, I'd want a truthful description. Don't you agree?

What was said about me? I'll tell you:
1. I am pretty

2. I'm an introvert

Yes people that was their description of me. They are right to a certain point, I am not a people person. But if he is expecting me to look good as I did on those pictures...I am sorry now. It isn't like nobody does. Everyone looks better on the internet.

So anyway the next day, he messages me again on Tinder. ( I like being messaged first...always. Yeah, yeah, I know ) We talked a bit about his time at the bar with my friends and he says they said good things. What the hell? All they said was that I was pretty and didn't like people. Nothing about animals or my love of food.

Speed this up a little, that pair of friends went to the bar for another night in a row. Guess who was there? Oh yeah my twin Tinder match. They spent the whole time at the bar together and explained why I was not there. Then one friend called him my lover boy and he heard her.

Why me?

Thankfully that was the last day of classes and I went home that weekend. We are now 142 miles away from each other till I return to my beloved school for another damn semester.

He works in the college and no he is not like 50. He graduated from the college and took a job in the computer department. N stands for Nerd, which is why he is N twin. Get it? I know, I am so clever!

I shall write more, when something happens. Probably when we finally meet.

Yes, we have been talking this whole break, Snaps and texts.

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  1. Interesting story! I had some terrible luck with online dating so I avoid it like the plague these days. x


  2. Understandable!

    Thanks so much xoxo


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