My Tinder Story!

My tinder story doesn't actually start on Tinder. it actually starts in a bar. One simple college bar that all the college kids go ...

My tinder story doesn't actually start on Tinder. it actually starts in a bar. One simple college bar that all the college kids go to. Please keep in mind that I go to a small college. this college has less students than my high school.

Where do I go? you will never know. Unless I graduate, then no shits are given personally. 


I went to this bar with my friend who recently graduated and came back to visit, along with my roommate. I was drinking these lovely irish trash cans and spotted a friend a knew, older annoying guy. beside him was one of these guys who I thought was pretty cute and then beside him was someone who looked just like him.

Get it yet? They were twins!

I carried on with my night and ended up sitting at a table talking to some other random guy. Shall we call him random guy #1? Perfect. Was this a serious flirting conversation? In my eyes? Nope. I was sitting my drink and enjoying my night. 

My roommate did come over though and decided that my number should be given to RG#1 as well as my email. I thought it was funny and left the bar soon after that.

When I woke up the next morning, I didn't have any emails or messages from RG#1 but that was no surprise to me either. He asked for love and I told him, I could give him cake.

Now everyone has a tinder, this is no getting around that. They are fun and something to pass the time with. They can also be used for hook ups and free drinks. Just depends on what you are looking for and what you want.

As I got bored throughout the next day or two, I went on Tinder and started my massive swipe to the left routine. If you do not have a tinder (lier) then left means pass and right means bow chicka wow wow.

I saw one of the twins. Now just in case this ever gets red sometime down the line, we are going to call one twin A and the other N. The Tinder twin I was looking at was N, not the usual A that I eye rape on my way to classes. 

Like the typical girl I am, I screenshotted it and sent it to the friend that was with my at the bar that night. His advice? Swipe right because he likes exocti chicks. He also said that N was very sweet and nice too. But mostly he was curious to see if anything was going to happen. 

It wasn't like I had anything happening to me at the moment, so I did. I swiped to the right people! It was a match, which means he had swiped before on me. Ohhh yeahh mama still got it!

Part two coming soon <3

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